"ComRes.dll" is a file which is used by the Microsoft communications module to help your PC to load up various important files & settings used for programs such as Skype, Windows Messenger & others. Despite ComRes.dll playing a vital role in the smooth operation of your PC, it's continually being damaged, corrupted and made unreliable - leading your system to run much slower and the errors you're experiencing now. In order to resolve this problem, you have to be able to fix any of the potential issues that this file may have - which can be done by using these steps.
The error that comres.dll normally shows will include:
"Comres.dll Not Found"
The cause of this error is actually very simple, and will not come as a surprise to most people. The issue is that most of the time, comres.dll will continually be saved incorrectly, or in the wrong folder of your system - preventing the programs and settings that will be using the file to correctly open it. This problem is normally caused by the likes of viruses, errors with software & other problems with the settings of the Windows system. To resolve it, you have to place the comres.dll file back in the location it should be in - as well as using a program that's going to be able to resolve any of the problems that your PC may have.
How To Fix ComRes.dll Errors
1) Re-Install Software That Shows The Errors
The first, and arguably most important, step to fix comres.dll errors is to re-install the software that shows them. This can be done by clicking onto "Start", accessing "Control Panel" and then picking "Add / Remove Programs". Not only will this allow your computer to read the files and settings required to help the file run, but will also ensure that your PC is able to correctly read the settings the applications needs. Here's what to do specifically:
- In "Add / Remove Programs", select the application causing errors
- Click "Remove" next to the application listing
- Wait for the program to uninstall
- Restart your PC
- Install the software again
This will basically get rid of any of the potential problems that Windows might have with the settings & options it has inside. Although many people will find that comres.dll errors will appear after doing this, it's likely the case that this will at least help determine the source & subsequent resolution to the error, so it's well worth doing even if it does not prove to be very successful.
2) Replace The Comres.dll File On Your PC
If you find that re-install the software causing the errors is not able to sufficiently correct the issues you're experiencing, you have to then look to replace the comres.dll file on your system with a new one from the Internet. We've found that in many instances, comres.dll errors will be caused by the file on your PC either being misplaced or damaged, meaning that if you're able to completely replace it - you should be able to get rid of any of the possible problems that will be leading it to show errors. To do this, you can follow these steps:
- Click onto the Internet & search for "comres.dll"
- Download the file as a replacement onto your desktop
- When you have downloaded the replacement file, open "My Computer"
- Inside "My Computer", browse to "C:/Windows/System32"
- In this folder, find "comres.dll", rename it to "comresold.dll"
- Once you've renamed the file, replace it with the one you just downloaded
This will basically get rid of any of the older versions of the comres.dll file, allowing your computer to run much smoother and more effectively as a result. This will not only make sure that the comres.dll file is up to date and effective, but will also make sure that your computer can correctly process any of the potential problems that it may have with the file itself.
3) Clean Out The "Registry"
The last step to
fix the comres.dll error, is to use a "Registry Cleaner" application. Registry cleaners are software tools which are able to scan through a hidden part of Windows called the "registry", and then fix any of the possible problems that it may have inside. The registry is a large database which all Windows systems use to keep important settings, options & files for your PC; and is crucially where a large list of DLL files it kept for your computer. If you want to resolve comres.dll errors on your system, it's recommended you download a reliable registry cleaner, and then let it clean out any of the errors the registry will have inside - which will boost your PC's speed and effectiveness as a result.
You can fix comres.dll errors on your PC by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can
Click Here to fix the comres.dll errors that your system may have.