
What is ShoppinGate?

What is ShoppinGate?

ShoppinGate is listed as an adware and a PUP (potentially unwanted program) due to several malicious actions that it performs. Even though developers of this adware promise that it will enhance your browsing experience and help you save both your time and money when shopping online by providing you with various coupons, deals and offers this is not quite true. Instead of those useful deals you will get ads in all kinds of types, such as links, text links, video, product comparisons and reviews, coupons, graphics or banners, or other interactive content displayed through your browser. ShoppinGate is an advertising network used mostly by cyber criminals and scammers. They promote their products or services through those ads delivered to you by ShoppinGate adware. That being said, you don’t want to click on those ads because if you do so, you will be immediately redirected to third parties website that may be infected and cause some sort of harm to your computer. There is no need to keep this malicious application on your system, because you will not gain any benefits of it – there is only drawbacks. It works as a browser add-on that can be added to all most popular web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. It is worth mentioning, that those ads most of the time appear on e-commerce websites, such as Amazon or eBay and offers you to buy some particular goods at a better price rate, so be aware of it. Furthermore, it will collect your personal information, such as browsing history, search queries, TOP visited sites and IP address. This information later on will be transferred to mentioned third parties. They adjust their ads according to it and make them more relevant to your browsing habits this way.

ShoppinGate adware is distributed bundled with other free software. I.e. when you download and install some software for free, ShoppinGate can be installed alongside, without you even being aware of it. To avoid this happening, you should pay close attention to the installation process of freeware downloaded from a suspicious looking websites. Do not skip any step as and opt out for a custom or advanced install mode. This will allow you to see all available options. Do not just click “next” and “agree” – read everything carefully. This should protect you from installing any unwanted applications. In case it is too late and your computer is already infected, you should scan it with a trustworthy anti-malware, such as Spyhunter or malwarebytes. It will detect and remove the virus automatically. In case you don’t want to use any additional software, feel free to follow our step-by-step ShoppinGate removal guide given below.

