
How to Remove Surf Slide Completely – Adware Removal

What is Surf Slide?
Surf Slide is a program that wants you to believe it’s giving you a useful service. This adware tries to tell the user that it is putting great deals on your screen for things that you are looking for, if only it were that easy. This explanation of the software could be understood as useful, but these ads are intrusive and most people do not want them displayed on their screen.

After installation, Surf Slide can add itself as a browser extension, add-on or toolbar, to internet explorer, chrome or firefox and then display advertisements and in-text ads, with the byline brought to you by “Surf Slide”.

These ads are to encourage installation of very suspect software that present to you content you definitely do not want to see. This will include web browser toolbars, speed utilities, optimization programs, or other programs, the only point to this is generating revenue for the publishers of Surf Slide.

The basic symptoms of the Surf Slide adware are as follows:
1. Potentially installing unwanted programs onto the users computer.
2. Links to random web pages presented in your browser in text hyperlinks.
3. Popup advertising, fake updates, and other unwanted software updates.
4. Advertising banners are injected into your internet explorer, chrome or firefox browser, unsolicited.

How Did I get Surf Slide?
Surf Slide is an adware program that is bundled with other possibly useful software in a “pay per install” network. How is this possible? When you download software that you actually want to use on your computer, sometimes adware like Surf Slide can be packaged along with the wanted program.

In order to avoid this type of unwanted program, please read very carefully when you are installing the software. Always chose custom install instead of “typical” and then during the custom installation, UNCHECK any boxes that show up where it invites you to try new software, anything that is not the software you WANTED to install.

If you’re careful when you download and install programs you will be safe from Surf Slide and other similar programs.

When installing software always remember.
Choose Custom Installation
Uncheck any box that is asking you to try out unwanted software
Slow down and read everything during the installation.
Surf Slide (Simple Removal Guide Basics)
Surf Slide is malware and should be removed from your computer before it has a chance to collect private information about you.
Surf Slide adware can be recognized by SurfSlide.exe, or ads by Surf Slide.
It integrates itself into your browser and specific steps must be taken to uninstall it.
It is distributed on a pay per install distribution network, be careful when installing software so you don’t get adware.

