
What is International Cyber Security Protection Alliance?

Oh my god! I must be in trouble now. I got a police warning from International Cyber Security Protection Alliance on my smart phone. I don’t know if it is real or fake. Now I’m really scared. I think police is on the way to my home. I don’t want to go to the jail. I can’t do anything on my phone now. As soon as I turn on my phone, this warning appears. It explains that I can pay amount of fine to avoid the further punishment and unlock my phone. If I pay, can I be safe from the police?

Brief Introduction to This Virus

International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (we will take ICSPA as abbreviation) is an authority that monitors online activities and investigates the cyber crimes. When you receive a warning from this organization on your computer or your smart phone, it doesn’t mean you have violated the law by done something wrong on the Internet. It has been reported as a computer virus which just abuses the name of this organization to hoax computer users for a long time since 2013. With the technology development, mobile phone has become a part of people’s life and there are several mobile operating systems have been created. Smart phone is able to handle some basic works just like computer does, so many people prefer to use smart phone for some work and entertainment instead.

With the rapid increasing number of smart phone users, cyber hackers take the opportunity to make this notorious International Cyber Security Protection Alliance virus is able to infect smart phone with Android systems. Just like what it can do on the infected computer, once this ICSPA virus sneaks into the target phone, it can block the whole screen by showing a fake warning from this organization and will not allow phone user to close or minimize the page. Users can’t even turn off the phone by pressing the power button, the only one method to shut down the infected phone is to take out the battery which can harm the hardware on the infected phone if this method has been taken too often. People may wonder how this thing happens on their phones. Usually, cyber criminals can make this virus hiding on some corrupted websites which have already been hacked by these bad guys, especially porn websites, some famous web pages can even be invaded if those crooks get the loopholes of them. Also, this thing can come when people download some unknown or malicious applications from some unreliable resources.

After blocking the whole screen to prevent people access the phone, people are forced to read the information on the lock page. It tells that due to some reason, the infected phone is locked. And it can list the penalties of different crimes. When seeing those things happen, phone user can be scared and get a blank mind. No one will like to get into trouble with the police. By taking advantage of this psychology, cyber hackers provide a solution on the block page, that is to pay a so-called fine to escape from the further punishment, and there is a timer counting on the page as well which is a trick to urge phone user to pay as quickly as possible. In fact, the whole thing is a scam. The message has nothing to do with this organization. If people can calm down, they would figure out the police won’t do that on the Internet as their styles of dealing illegal activity are come to arrest the person who execute the crime directly. From some victims’ reports, even though the fake fines have been made, their phones are still locked.

